Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Conference, workshop, and summer school organization:

    • Z. Harchaoui: Co-organizer of the ICML 2012 Workshop on New Trends in RKHS and kernel-based methods, July 2012.

    • Z. Harchaoui: Co-organizer of the Optimization and Statistical Learning workshop, Les Houches, January 2013.

    • C. Schmid: Co-organizer of the Inria Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School, Grenoble, July 2012. Attracted a total of 182 participants (48 from France, 94 from Europe and 40 from America and Asia).

    • C. Schmid: Co-organizer IPAM workshop Large Scale Multimedia Search, January 9–13, 2012.

  • Editorial boards:

    • C. Schmid: International Journal of Computer Vision, since 2004.

    • C. Schmid: Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, since 2005.

    • J. Verbeek: Image and Vision Computing Journal, since 2011.

  • General chair:

    • C. Schmid: CVPR '15.

  • Program chair:

    • C. Schmid: ECCV '12.

  • Area chair:

    • J. Verbeek: BMVC '12, ECCV '12

    • C. Schmid: NIPS '12, CVPR '13, ICCV '13

  • Program committees:

    • AISTATS 2012: Z. Harchaoui.

    • BMVC 2012: T. Mensink.

    • CVPR 2012: Z. Harchaoui, T. Mensink, C. Schmid, J. Verbeek.

    • ECCV 2012: M. Douze, T. Mensink, J. Verbeek.

    • ICML 2013: Z. Harchaoui, J. Mairal.

    • NIPS 2012: Z. Harchaoui, J. Verbeek.

    • WACV 2013: R. Cinbis.

    • NIPS computational biology workshop 2012: J. Mairal.

  • Prizes:

    • C. Schmid was nominated IEEE Fellow, 2012.

    • Best paper award of Pattern Recognition journal in 2009 for the paper Description of interest regions with local binary patterns. M. Heikkila, M. Pietikainen, C. Schmid. Pattern Recognition Volume 42, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 425-436, http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00548650/en .

    • We participated in the Multimedia Event Detection track of TrecVid 2012, one of the major benchmarks in automatic video analysis. We ranked 2-nd out of 17 participants for the pre-specified event category task, and first out of 13 participants on the ad-hoc event category task.